Banks Gone Digital: Spreading the love to deepen customer banking engagement

Valentine’s Day is all about spreading the love. And really, what better time is there to stop and think about developing long term customer banking engagement?

Deepening customer banking engagement is similar to figuring out the courtship phase of a relationship. The more you know about your customers and how they choose to interact with your bank, the more chances you have of making a long term connection. Similarly, the more you know about your partner, such as do they prefer white chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate, the more chances you have of making it past the first few dates. Trust me – there is a lot to be said for personalization and providing the right products to the right customer segment…

The good news is that most forward-thinking banks and credit unions are starting to get customer relationships. Many of these financial institutions are prioritizing omnichannel banking and digital transformation initiatives that will not only unlock new revenue streams, but will also help deepen customer banking engagement. Strategic initiatives include:

  • Delivering the right products and services to the right customer segments – Projects that will aid in advanced market segmentation, personalization and new revenue streams that will engage customers — rather than simply facilitating transactions — skillfully across all channels
  • Transaction streamlining – Projects focused on making banking easier and supporting the behaviour of digitally driven customer segments
  • Interoperability – Projects related to minimizing the threat of non-bank competition and faster integration of third party applications and technology advancements
Banks Gone Digital Webinar 1
Register for the Banks Gone Digital Webinar – Tuesday, Feb 16th at 8:30 PST

Now, as part of our ongoing courtship with you, we are pleased to offer the Banks Gone Digital webinar series. The first webinar of this series is being held Tuesday, February 16th at 8:30am PST. The focus will be on tracking customer interactions to gain a better understanding of the omnichannel customer experience.

We’d like to share how you can:

  • Establish a single view into what services are being used and how customers are interacting across all banking channels
  • Leverage operational data, cash movement data and customer experience data to quickly fix performance issues, analyze the customer experience and identify new revenue streams
  • Determine customers’ wants and preferences through on-demand analytics

So if you have time, grab a box of chocolates, and join us as we figure out how to deepen customer banking engagement through meeting current customer demands for personalized experiences, building out new service channels, and shifting products and services into the devices customers want to use.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!