Multi-hop-ity hop hop… Easter Bunny or monitoring banking transactions?

Spring is officially here. In Vancouver that means it’s warm and rainy rather than cold and rainy. It also means that it’s time for the Easter Bunny to start hopping along to deliver chocolate covered banking transactions…

Well, maybe not quite—but there are definitely similarities between that elusive hare and monitoring banking transactions belonging to your customers. For example…


Easter Bunny or Retail Banking Transaction?
Easter Bunny or Monitoring Banking Transactions?

Easter Bunny: Hops across the land to complete his deliveries

Banking Transaction: Hops across your network to complete its delivery


Easter Bunny: Hides eggs in hard to find places

Banking Transaction: Hides performance issues in hard to access places


Easter Bunny: Treats occasionally get lost

Banking Transaction: Transactions occasionally get lost


The list really goes on (and I would love to see you add your own Easter Bunny/Banking Transaction similarities in the comments section).

Where the similarities stop is that the Easter Bunny’s lost treats aren’t usually that hard to find. But searching for lost transactions can take hours or days. A payment or cash withdrawal request and response that hops from a client facing app (hop 1), to a switch (hop 2), to a server (hop 3), to a third party service provider (hop 4), to a back-end database (hop 5) and back again, is hard to track and isolating where this transaction has gotten bottlenecked can be extremely time consuming. Rarely are you rewarded with chocolate when you finally find the source of a transaction problem or anomaly. Your IT operations and applications support team is usually just happy if they can help avert an angry customer phone call or huge revenue loss.

INETCO Insight takes the complexity out of monitoring the myriad of hops each ATM, online, mobile or POS transaction makes on its way to final delivery. This software solution alerts you to transactions getting hung up or “misplaced”, and even warns you if some bully is posing a risk to your eggs…erm…transaction architecture. And INETCO Insight gathers all this information off the network—so no agents have to be placed on your apps or servers, or extra traffic loads in your clients’ transaction baskets.

INETCO Insight captures and correlates transaction data to provide visibility into complex transactions.
INETCO Insight monitors every “hop” a transaction makes through to its completion, alerting you to issues as well as providing rich and actionable transaction intelligence.


So if you need a hand finding all those Easter eggs buried in amongst the foliage of your transactions, hop on down and request a demo of INETCO Insight.

Happy Easter!