An IT Operations Intelligence Use Case for Data in Motion: Edenred

Edenred Mexico Logo - Data in Motion Use Case for IT Operations

We live in a time where there is mounting pressure to increase the speed of card transactions, customer responsiveness and fraud detection. More and more business decisions rely on data in motion – especially when it comes to managing operational performance. This is a story about how one of our customers, Edenred México, is using their real time transaction data to achieve 90% fulfillment of customer service level agreements, and ensure that prepaid cards, voucher and rewards services are accessible to their customers without worry.

“INETCO Insight is now our key monitoring tool for the main prepaid transaction platform, allowing us to visualize quickly and efficiently, any instability or loss of performance. Visibility into real time transaction data enables us to respond rapidly to critical situations.” – Laurent Long, Director of Technology and Information at Edenred México

Meet Edenred

Edenred is a global leader in prepaid corporate card services, processing over €20 billion in transactions per year between employers, employees and merchants worldwide. Their subsidiary, Edenred México S.A. de C.V., provides services to over 30,000 customers, 3 million users and 40,000 affiliates. Their prepaid solutions enable companies and local authorities to ensure that allocated funds are used as intended in areas such as

  • Employee and social benefits (Ticket Vale Despensas®, Ticket Restaurante®, Ticket Uniforme®)
  • Business expense management processes (Ticket Car®, Ticket Empresarial®
  • Incentive and rewards programs (Ticket Regalo®, Ticket Premium®)

The Challenge

Edenred México’s business is expanding at an impressive rate. Their proven ability to deliver consistent user experiences and maximum service availability has played an important part of attracting new business partners and keeping existing customers loyal and happy. This requires their Digital Control and Payment Methods teams to immediately why there are intermittent issues or service disruptions occurring on their authorization platforms, and when digital transactions are not completing as expected.

The Solution

On recommendation of trusted financial solutions provider, Bowman Technologies, Edenred México bought and deployed the INETCO Insight real time transaction monitoring solution.

With INETCO Insight, Edenred México has 24X7 visibility into the performance of every prepaid transaction, across multiple protocols and all the online operations of the Company’s key products. Using data in motion, problems can be quickly isolated to the internal network, prepaid applications or external partner affiliates, making it easy to immediately notify the right problem owner. Service disruptions, platform intermittences and problems with the authorizer that used to take over 4+ hours to resolve now take Edenred México less than one hour on average – a 75% faster mean time to repair. 

Real time alert notifications set up in INETCO Insight have also helped the Digital Control and Payment Methods teams to proactively identify when the transaction response time of a system is degrading, before it fails completely, reducing daily incident call volumes by 40% on average. These teams can rapidly identify and resolve issues related to:

  • Host authorization time-outs and disconnections
  • Network problems relating to the main and secondary switches
  • Transaction rejections and slowdowns at big retail chains or at specific high volume terminals

This is just one story that illustrates the value of real time data when it comes to managing end-to-end transaction environments and delivering faster card payments, customer responsiveness and fraud detection. If you are interested in learning more about how IT operations teams can capitalize on data in motion for operational intelligence, you can read the full case study, or contact INETCO.